Update registration

You need to fill in all fields as they should be, even if you just want to change one of them.

Choose a login name (*):
Choose a password (*):
(at least 5 characters)
First Name (*):
Last Name (*):
Address (*):

Country (*):
Email (*):

If an EtherNat would cost
between 120EUR and 139EUR
(+VAT where applicable),
how many boards would you buy: (*)

If an EtherNat would cost
between 140EUR and 170EUR
(+VAT where applicable),
how many boards would you buy: (*)

Please enter the text of
the ASCII art below: (*)
       /\ \__                  __    
   __  \ \ ,_\    __     _ __ /\_\   
 /'__`\ \ \ \/  /'__`\  /\`'__\/\ \  
/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_/\ \L\.\_\ \ \/ \ \ \ 
\ \__/.\_\\ \__\ \__/.\_\\ \_\  \ \_\
 \/__/\/_/ \/__/\/__/\/_/ \/_/   \/_/