2012-12-20 17:32:30
Today the manufacturer phoned Henrik and said that the four SuperVidel rev2 prototypes are ready!! :)
At first they had been pessimistic about making it before Christmas since the chinese subcontractor of the PCB laminates didn't deliver them last friday as promised, but yesterday.
We will pick them up tomorrow during lunch and post some pictures here later.
2012-11-20 21:09:21
We learned today that the empty PCBs may take until the end of week 50 to get back from the subcontractor. The main manufacturer who mounts the components on the PCBs said they are only working until the end of week 51. And they have a really busy schedule, so it will be a very close call if we get the 4 prototypes before Christmas... :-( They will not open until Jan 7th again. So if we're unlucky, all of Christmas and New Year will be wasted time.
2012-11-12 14:35:19
Late last night we finally got the new production files ready and emailed them to the manufacturer. Today they phoned Henrik and said that the files are now ok, with some minor changes that they could do immediately. So now the SuperVidel production is officially up and running again! :)
We now hope that the PCB production and mounting of components will not take too long, so vi can get the 4 prototypes before Christmas. Then we need to test them and adjust component values during Christmas.
2012-10-07 22:21:54
A few days ago the manufacturer told us that all the Svethlanas have now been produced. :) We have not got them or seen them yet though.
2012-09-06 20:12:23
Finally I got the broadband internet connection up and running in my new apartment. The server is also running, and the proof of that is that you can read these news. :-)
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